BNZ Centre
Ōtautahi, Christchurch, Canterbury
NZIA Local Award 2017
Jason Mann
A large (30,000 square metres) mixed-use commercial building running between Cashel Street and Hereford Street in central Christchurch. This was the site of the pre-quake Whitcoulls Building and Shades Arcade, and more recently the ReStart container mall.
Conceived as a two-stage development, the first stage (completed in 2016) is a six-level building facing north onto Hereford Street, with the five-level second stage facing south onto Cashel Street. This second stage takes on a 'U' shape to form a central public courtyard between the two buildings. Two major laneways and three covered arcades connect the central courtyard with surrounding areas and streets.
The centre will be the major retail heart of Christchurch with 37 retail and hospitality tenancies at ground level, a floor of car parking above, and three to four office floors above.